Mtoto wa mhubiri wa kimataifa aliyepata kuikifikia kila kona ya Dunia Billy Graham aitwaye Franklin Graham ametoa wito kwa watu wote wenye mapenzi mema kumuombea Mhubiri huyo Billy graham ambaye kwa sasa hali yake kiafya haijakaa vizuri ikiwa ni pamoja na changamoto za uzee kwani kwa sasa mhubiri huyo wa kimataifa mnamo November 7 mwaka huu 2013 Billy Graham ametimiza umri wa miaka 95
Hivi karibuni Billy Graham alifanyiwa sherehe ya Birthday yake ambapo katika kutimiza miaka 95 aliungana na marafiki zake wa siku nyingi pamoja na familia yake na kusherehekea kwa pamoja ambapo kama ilivyo kawaida yake katika birthday hiyo hakusita kuwaita watu wampokee Yesu kama Bwana na mwokozi wa maisha yao na kuwaongoza sala ya toba.
Kwa sasa mhubiri huyo anasumbuliwa na matatizo ya kiafya kwenye mfumo wa upumuaji na mapafu ambapo mara kazaa alilazwa hospitali na baadae pia kuruhusiwa.
kwa mujibu wa barua iliyoandikwa na mtoto wa mhubiri huyo Franklin Graham inasomeka kama ifuatavyo.
My father turned 95 this past November 7, and I am pleased to say that my family was able to be with him as he celebrated another milestone in his long and productive life. Joined by many colleagues and friends from around the nation and the world at this celebration, he spoke briefly of these friendships and did not fail to point people to the Lord Jesus Christ. This will forever be his legacy which is, as the Bible says, a testimony to the faithfulness of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Since that night a few short weeks ago, he has had another bout with a respiratory infection and was hospitalized briefly before returning home to recuperate. He is extremely weak but his vitals are good. Our family would appreciate your prayers for him that the Lord would strengthen him. He has been so encouraged by the release of his most recent book “The Reason for My Hope—Salvation” that he immediately began work on another book about a subject that he feels that God has laid on his heart. Only the Lord knows what is in store as we move forward in service to Him.
To all who have stood with us—some for sixty years—supporting us financially and undergirding through prayer, thank you for your faithful support. We are encouraged with how God has blessed the proclamation of the Gospel through My Hope. This evangelistic outreach will continue for the next five years as the Lord is using it so effectively in people’s hearts. We are thankful that He is touching hearts as tens of thousands have responded to the invitation to confess their sins and receive Christ as Savior.
We value your prayers—in fact, we depend on them. We find words of comfort and praise in the psalms, “Oh, bless our God…and make the voice of His praise to be heard, who keeps our soul among the living, and does not allow our feet to be moved. Come and hear, all you who fear God, and I will declare what He has done for my soul. Blessed be God, who has not turned away my prayer” (Psalm 66:8-9, 16, 20 NKJV).
Franklin Graham
December 10, 2013