Mtumishi wa Mungu na Kiongozi wa Kanisa la Synagogue church of all Nation SCOAN nchini Nigeria Nabii T.B Joshua ametoa ufafanuzi unahusiana na utabiri ambao aliutoa juma lililopita kuhusu kupata maono ya kutekwa kwa raisi mmoja wapo wa nchi moja iliyopo Afrika Mashariki utabiri ambao haukutaja moja kwa moja kuhusu ni raisi wa nchi gani atatekwa japo kua ulibainisha kua miongoni mwa nchi husika Kenya haipo katika unabii huo.
Aidha katika utabiri huo alioutoa ulionesha kwamba nchi hiyo ambapo tukio hili litatokea tena kipindi cha nyuma imewahi kupatwa na mkasa wa watu kulipuliwa na bom wakiwa katika sehem ya starehe wakila na kunywa na kuburudika hali iliyopelekea watu wengi kuhusisha nchi ya Uganda ambapo awali iliwahi kukumbwa na mkasa huo baada ya Alshabab kufanya shambulio la bom kwenye club moja wapo ambapo watu walikua wamekusanyika wakitazama mechi ya mpira ligi za ulaya
Kanisa la SCOAN wametoa ufafanuzi kuhusu taarifa hiyo ambayo tayari imesambaa sana kwenye vyombo vya habari na kwenye mitandao ya internet
Taarifa hiyo inasomeka kama ifuatavyo.
There are distorted rumors spreading on the internet concerning T.B. Joshua's prophecy this past Sunday. Rumors are saying that the man of God said that an East African country will soon be kidnapped by terrorists and that a night club would be blown up.Do not listen to the father of lies. These are not the words used by the prophet. Prophet T.B. Joshua specifically
asked journalists not to misquote his prophecy.
He said that he saw a leader being captured. The prophet instructed the people of God to fast and pray on Wednesday and Thursday. He said Wednesday and Thursday had nothing to do with what was going to happen, but the people of God should fast and pray on those days. He also told the congregation that he will stay in an attitude of prayer for the country concerned, so that God might subdue this coming evil to a mere sign.
He said that the country concerned is not Kenya, but a country close to it. He mentioned that it is the same country in which a similar event took place while they were drinking and dancing. He will continue to pray for them, but he will not mention their names unless God instructs him to do so.
This is because many would begin to spread rumors and false allegations against himself, the leader,and the country rather than pray for them. He said if prayer and security are not in place, the blood of thousands will be wasted. Let us all stay in an attitude of faith and prayer, in Jesus' name.
Aidha katika utabiri huo alioutoa ulionesha kwamba nchi hiyo ambapo tukio hili litatokea tena kipindi cha nyuma imewahi kupatwa na mkasa wa watu kulipuliwa na bom wakiwa katika sehem ya starehe wakila na kunywa na kuburudika hali iliyopelekea watu wengi kuhusisha nchi ya Uganda ambapo awali iliwahi kukumbwa na mkasa huo baada ya Alshabab kufanya shambulio la bom kwenye club moja wapo ambapo watu walikua wamekusanyika wakitazama mechi ya mpira ligi za ulaya
Kanisa la SCOAN wametoa ufafanuzi kuhusu taarifa hiyo ambayo tayari imesambaa sana kwenye vyombo vya habari na kwenye mitandao ya internet
Taarifa hiyo inasomeka kama ifuatavyo.
There are distorted rumors spreading on the internet concerning T.B. Joshua's prophecy this past Sunday. Rumors are saying that the man of God said that an East African country will soon be kidnapped by terrorists and that a night club would be blown up.Do not listen to the father of lies. These are not the words used by the prophet. Prophet T.B. Joshua specifically
asked journalists not to misquote his prophecy.
He said that he saw a leader being captured. The prophet instructed the people of God to fast and pray on Wednesday and Thursday. He said Wednesday and Thursday had nothing to do with what was going to happen, but the people of God should fast and pray on those days. He also told the congregation that he will stay in an attitude of prayer for the country concerned, so that God might subdue this coming evil to a mere sign.
He said that the country concerned is not Kenya, but a country close to it. He mentioned that it is the same country in which a similar event took place while they were drinking and dancing. He will continue to pray for them, but he will not mention their names unless God instructs him to do so.
This is because many would begin to spread rumors and false allegations against himself, the leader,and the country rather than pray for them. He said if prayer and security are not in place, the blood of thousands will be wasted. Let us all stay in an attitude of faith and prayer, in Jesus' name.