Hii ni kutoka Ghana ambako Mkutano mkubwa wa Injili unaendelea chini ya huduma ya Christ for All Nation (Kristo kwa Mataifa yote) huduma inayoongozwa na Muinjilist wa kimataifa Reinhard Bonnke na Muinjilist Daniel Kolenda.
Katika Mkutano huo wa sasa unaofanywa na Muinjilist Kolenda Umati uliojitokeza safari hii umetajwa kuwa wa aina yake ambapo haijawahi kutokea kwa idadi hiyo kubwa ya watu huku joto kali sana likiugubika uwanja mzima na kupelekea baadhi ya watu kupoteza fahamu kutokana na joto kali na msongamano wa watu waliohudhuria mkutano huo.
Kutokana na hilo Mamlaka husika ya serkali ililazimika kutumia Maji ambayo hutumika kuzimia moto na kuamua kuyatumia kumwaga angani ili kuwapoza watu kutokana na Joto hilo kali la aina yake....
kutoka kwenye Ukurasa wake wa Face book Muinjilist Daniel kolenda hivi ndivyo alivyosema
:"Christ for all Nations has conducted 406 Gospel Crusades, but this is the first time we've ever seen this: The crowd was so dense and the heat coming off it so intense that some began to faint. This is not new...we’ve seen this before. What was new was the solution the local authorities had for the problem. They brought in fire engines and began to douse the crowd with water cannons to cool them off! All throughout my preaching 50-60 foot tall jets of water moved around the crowd spraying the people (quite ironic considering we have been praying all week that it wouldn’t rain). There’s never a dull moment.

Katika Mkutano huo wa sasa unaofanywa na Muinjilist Kolenda Umati uliojitokeza safari hii umetajwa kuwa wa aina yake ambapo haijawahi kutokea kwa idadi hiyo kubwa ya watu huku joto kali sana likiugubika uwanja mzima na kupelekea baadhi ya watu kupoteza fahamu kutokana na joto kali na msongamano wa watu waliohudhuria mkutano huo.
Kutokana na hilo Mamlaka husika ya serkali ililazimika kutumia Maji ambayo hutumika kuzimia moto na kuamua kuyatumia kumwaga angani ili kuwapoza watu kutokana na Joto hilo kali la aina yake....
kutoka kwenye Ukurasa wake wa Face book Muinjilist Daniel kolenda hivi ndivyo alivyosema

:"Christ for all Nations has conducted 406 Gospel Crusades, but this is the first time we've ever seen this: The crowd was so dense and the heat coming off it so intense that some began to faint. This is not new...we’ve seen this before. What was new was the solution the local authorities had for the problem. They brought in fire engines and began to douse the crowd with water cannons to cool them off! All throughout my preaching 50-60 foot tall jets of water moved around the crowd spraying the people (quite ironic considering we have been praying all week that it wouldn’t rain). There’s never a dull moment.